Monday, April 30, 2012

UFO for April

I have been working on my Cinco De Mayo UFO for April.  It is a very slow, time consuming process.  I like the way it is coming out and love the bright colors!! I have this project on my UFO list twice because, silly me, I thought I could and would finish it in 2 months.  That isn't going to happen, I decided that since I already had it out and was on a roll I would switch what ever number was drawn for this months project.  Judy must has read my mind because  project number 2 IS my  Cinco de Mayo UFO.  So in May I will not only be celebrating Cinco de Mayo but I will be sewing on it.  Here is the first row that I have finished... only 5 more rows to go!


  1. Love your bright color selections! Beautiful has to be paper pieced?... well done!

  2. This is coming along nicely! I have been wanting to work on a New York Beauty quilt for years in batiks, but I don't dare start until at least this year's UFOs are out of the way (I'm hoping to begin in the New Year...and New York Year Beauty!?!? May I ask what patter you are using? It looks great and I will be following your progress.

    1. Heather, I am using a Karen K. Stone Quilts book copyright 2004. It is paper piecing and is pretty easy to follow the directions. This book has 11 different patterns but does not have a New York Beauty. Good luck with your quilt, I look forward to seeing it. Thanks for checking in on my progress.

  3. But it is going to be absolutely wonderful - just a more intense pattern. Thanks for showing us. JudyCnNc
