Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stash report for week 33

I didn't do any sewing this week other than sew a label on a quilt. We had a 6 year old grandson here all week so my week was full of swimming, playing and cooking. He wanted to sew and the only quick thing I could come up with was coasters for his Mom, Dad and Granddad. He went through my charm 5 1/2 inch squares and picked out 2 fabrics for each person and we put a layer of batting in the middle and he sewed it by himself. It was a quick and easy project for a short attention span. That was the only fabric used at my house this week.  This is the coaster he made for his Granddad.

Here are my stash report numbers...

Week number- 33
Used this week- 20 yards
Used this year- 74 yards
Purchased this week- 12.5 yards
Purchased this year- 35.5Yards

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